@inproceedings{kotthoff_distributed_2010, title = {Distributed solving through model splitting}, abstract = {Constraint problems can be trivially solved in parallel by exploring different branches of the search tree concurrently. Previous approaches have focused on implementing this functionality in the solver, more or less transparently to the user. We propose a new approach, which modifies the constraint model of the problem. An existing model is split into new models with added constraints that partition the search space. Optionally, additional constraints are imposed that rule out the search already done. The advantages of our approach are that it can be implemented easily, computations can be stopped and restarted, moved to different machines and indeed solved on machines which are not able to communicate with each other at all.}, booktitle = {3rd {Workshop} on {Techniques} for implementing {Constraint} {Programming} {Systems} ({TRICS})}, author = {Kotthoff, Lars and Moore, Neil C.A.}, year = {2010}, pages = {26--34} }